문의전화: 051-746-7605    Email: djbiosis@naver.com 

Enzymes - biological solutions to
industrial problems

Enzymes are the tools of nature

Fruit and Vegetable (Juice & Wine)

  • Vegetable Processing, Extraction, Clarification, Maturation, Filtration
효소명 상품명 용도 형태 포장단위
Pectin lyase Pectinex Ultra Pulp 과즙청징(Pectin분해) 액상 18kg
Pectin lyase Pectinex XXL 과즙청징(Pectin분해) 액상 25kg
Polygalacturonase Pectinex Ultra SP-L 과즙착즙수율향상 액상 18kg
Polygalacturonase Pectinex Ultra Passover 감귤류 속껍질 제거 액상 20kg
Glucoamylase AMG 300L BrewQ 과즙속의 당질분해 액상 25kg
Multi-enzyme Complex Viscozyme L 야채,과일분해시수율증가 액상 30kg
Cellulase Celluclast 1.5L 식물성원료분해 액상 30kg
Cellulase Celluclast BG 식물성원료분해 과립 20kg
Pectinmethylesterase Novoshape Fruitpiece 모양유지 액상 20kg
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