문의전화: 051-746-7605    Email: djbiosis@naver.com 

Enzymes - biological solutions to
industrial problems

Enzymes are the tools of nature


  • ·Biopreparation - Soaking, liming and bating
효소명 상품명 용도 형태 포장단위
Lipase Greasex Ultra 지방제거 액상,과립 25kg, 40kg
Protease Novocor SG Soaking 촉진제 과립 40kg
Protease Pyrase 250MG Bating 효소제 과립 20kg
Protease NUE 12MG Liming 탈모 작용 과립 40kg
Trypsin Novobate 115 Bating 효소제 과립 40kg